I have let time slip by AGAIN! And I hate excuses, but I seem to be surprisingly full of them. Let’s leave that all in the past and move forward, shall we?
• April 1st starts Script Fenzy! From April 1-30, you write a complete 100 page script. Brought to us by my NaNoWriMo friends…www.scriptfrenzy.org.
• My sister and family arrive in 2 days for spring break on the beach. I am WAY excited! I haven’t seen her since our Phoenix trip last July and we always have LOADS of fun. Ya know…the kind of fun that makes you want to pee your pants?
• Kurt’s band plays a festival this Saturday, which should be a lot of fun. They play in a parking lot of a restaurant on a flat-bed truck. See, what wouldn’t be fun about that?
Beyond all of that exciting upcoming stuff…I have been diligently passing the time these last few months.
• Finished the first edit on my manuscript and also my agent query letter. Bought the Publishers Marketplace 2009, done research, picked my first agents to submit to….and am now officially scared to death. For some reason, I can’t quite take that next plunge and submit. I know it is because I am petrified. I know there will be a lot of rejections and that this is my one shot at this manuscript with each agent. I just need to get up the courage and DO IT!
• Have been learning the basics of Dreamweaver and working on some family business projects.
• Did a Burlesque/Vaudeville show with the Risque Business troupe. Mad fun! I played the stupid sexy nurse and a blonde actress in a film noir scene. We are scheduled again for another performance the end of April.
• I was appointed to the board of the Showcase Arts Foundation, Inc. – www.showcaseartsfoundation.org. Very cool.
• And many, many other assorted what-nots.
So, that’s it for now!
Faith, Hope, Love-
LA ☺