I am still in the game! Phew! This was the crucial week to determine if I was going to make it or not. The excitement of that first week is over (the honeymoon phase) and the fatigue has set in. Finding the time to squeeze in those precious 1,667 words every day gets tricky (especially after writing almost zero after a crazy weekend). But, I have made it so far. I took extra time on Monday and Tuesday and made up for my lackluster weekend.
I am currently at 21,860 words. This weekend I will be halfway there. And my story actually has a plot and is moving along nicely. I still have a lot of suspenseful twists and turns to add to it. Man this is exciting!
We moved a bunch of offices at work this week. I now share an office (a rather large one) with our in-house copywriter, Nancy. Quite honestly, our new pad is the COOLEST! Woohoo! We are thinking of adding beanbags and a bubble machine. :)
Tonight starts the last weekend of my current play, Italian American Reconciliation. It is a really, really fun play. My part of Janice is so evil (but really she is just misunderstood..heehee) and the whole first act sets up how horrible and mean I am. And then I get to stand on a 4 foot balcony and yell at people. Heehee...what a fun part! I hope we have a huge audience and everyone enjoys it immensely!
Alrighty...TGIF...gotta get some work done.
1 comment:
Wow, I have word count envy.
Keep writing!
Also, for the benefit of anyone reading this, LeAnn totally kicked it as Janice. Especially on Sunday, when she was like Super Evil Genius Janice.
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