Another weekend, that is.
How sad. All week long, I get so excited about the weekend. A time to get things done around the house, time to play with my family, time for "me". But, here it is, Sunday night and I don't feel that I achieved much of anything. Yes, we did grocery shopping. Yes, I got in 3 loads of laundry and ran the dishwasher twice. Yes, my daughters and I went for a walk, a bike ride and swimming today. And yes, I even got a couple of short naps in...but I still don't feel like I accomplished anything.
Sunday nights are always a time of regret for me. I had such high hopes on Friday, but pretty much did not get to check off much of my list. And the week for us flies by with almost nothing getting done. So, now I will fall into bed in another hour, read for a bit and then dream of how I can't wait for the weekend.
Viva the weekend!
Faith Hope Love-
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