Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ride the Wave!

Obviously I go in waves. I get on a huge kick that I am gong to write, write, write. And I do. And then the sea calms down and I have a dry spell where I go for weeks without writing a darn thing. Go! Go! Go! Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.

It makes me angry at myself, because I know what is inside me and the goals I could reach if I just had enough discipline to do it. Come on, quite honestly, a mere 500 words a day would only take me about ½ hour in actuality…but I guess it is more the inspiration and drive that I need to maintain.

I have an outline for my book. I know the events that are going to happen (and with the wonders of cut and paste and can change those up as much as I like). So, it is not like I don’t know “what” to write. It is more like I need the motivation to write.

Okay, I have motivation. My motivation is to complete my book(s) and to get them published and possibly have a comfortable career as a writer. That is my end-goal. My dream. My undying motivation.

So, what is the problem? I obviously am looking at it at this point as a “job” and I need to stop doing that. I think that is what puts the kibosh on my motivation. I am already at work ALL day, then I come home and work (dinner, chores, helping the girls’ with homework, etc). I want “my” time, which unfortunately usually consists of sitting in front of the TV.


So, here is my challenge to myself. Change my mindset of writing as a “job”. It is a tool at this point that could possibly be made into a “career”. I need to write daily. Something. Anything. Even if it is a post n this blog, at least I am getting into the writer mindset.

1. Write something every day
a. Blog post
b. Book
2. Complete a minimum of 2,000 words a week in my book

I still love waves. They are one of the reasons I live in Florida. But, I would much rather live my dream of being a writer and taking my laptop to the beach to listen to the waves while I write than be the wave myself.

Live the dream.

Faith Hope Love-
LA ☺

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well you know you can do it, you
just need discipline. (like I'm the
one that should be saying that)

That darn tv, it's such a time
waster. ;)
I think (and will always think) you
are amazing. You have so much
creative talent you just need to let
it come out.
Much Love