Friday, March 21, 2008

I would rather be golfing...

Happy Friday! Happy Good Friday!

I am slaving away at work today, while my main man is still asleep in bed. Poor him. Since he has a day off all to himself, we thought he should have a K Day! Which he declined, because he said it would be too expensive. When I asked what his expenses would be…he declined to answer. Uh huh… Now I will get the guilt trip forever about how he didn’t get K Day…but I got LA Day! I think I will text him now and tell him to go golfing…

So, I was able to get in my required 500 words yesterday. Unfortunately I have fallen short for the other days of the week. But, I need to remember that “stick to one goal” and REALLY get it done. I am close to 13,000 words. I think I can…I think I can…

We have a “no band zone” weekend, which means we can actually go check out some live music in our area. It also means I can actually get to bed at a reasonable time.


Faith Hope Love-

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