Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday Morning Heebie Jeebies...

Do you believe in signs?

My lovely Monday morning started off with a bang this morning. I have to believe that it was testing me in some sort of a way. A decision-making exercise? Learning how to simplify and slow down? Patience?

Let’s see, I got up at 6:09am (thanks to one hit of the snooze button) and headed into the bathroom to do my morning “release” and heard a noise. To me, the distinct sound of “something” falling. Yes, I just knew what it was. I opened the shower curtain, and sure enough was greeted by an antennae-waving palmetto bug wishing me a good morning while he was hanging upside down on my back scrubber.

Hmmm…decision-making time. What the heck do I do? I HATE these bugs. If you live anywhere in the south, you know what I am talking about. But they are inevitable. They are part of our tropical environment. Also, they can run really fast and have been known to fly through the air…so not always the easiest to conquer. So, fast decision-making on my part, I slowly lifted the brush off the shower rack and moved it towards the toilet. My friend seemed unfazed and kept waving at me the whole time.

Thump! I whack him into the toilet and do a quick flush. Well, that little stinker got to the safety of the side of the bowl right before the final water went down and went to hang out under the rim. So I stood there and watched. And waited. What should I do? Get out the toilet brush? Instead, he finally ventures out and takes a stroll around the bowl. FLUSH! I send him swirling, again, to sewer heaven and this time he finally makes his exit. But I still stand there and stare into the bowl…wondering if, by chance, he would enter again doing a backstroke. I finally decide to hit the shower (although you can bet that I will look into the bowl every time I go to the bathroom now…just in case).

Let’s move ahead. I am now freshly out of the shower and head into the kitchen and flip the light switch on. Due to my recent incident, I decide to do a quick glance around the room (the whole turning on a light in the room makes the ugly bugs scamper). Nothing. So, I fill my animals food bowls, which consists of me going in and out our laundry room door approximately 3 times. But, as I go to push the door open the 4th time to get the ironing board…BOOM...right there at eye level is a relative of my latest sewer friend. Um, where was he like 30 seconds ago? Needless to say, I am shocked and disgusted and ugh…I hate those bugs.

Again, what do I do? They run fast. They give me the heebie jeebies. I grab one of K’s sandals and I give a whole-hearted thump. And, by golly, he falls to the floor. Well, to make sure he isn’t playing opossum (we have had a really, truly dead opossum in our backyard though and it was the most DISGUSTING thing…anywho…), I gave him 3-4 extra thumps on the floor just to make sure.

So, needless to say, that was a grand start to my morning. My husband will try to beat me though with his story of how a big venomous snake chased him yesterday…but I will let him have the honors of that.
Anywho…I think I started the week off with some good decision-making skills and should be ready to face the week with high expectations. Or maybe, events will happen this week that will make my skin crawl. But let’s be optimistic! Woohoo! I am a leader! I can make decisions! I can take care of myself!

Faith Hope Love-
La ☺

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well it's not everyday one comes face
to face with the dreaded Black Momb..
I mean Florida Black Snake. Them
legless critters are wicked fast.
I was always told they are more afraid of me than I am of them, I beg
to disagree. I am mighty afeared of
all snakes. Maybe in a month or two
I can go back outside and resume the
project that uncovered the little
critter. Maybe......