Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hello Cleveland! Rock N Roll!!!

So, I think I have a pretty cute haircut. It is the asymmetrical one that has become so popular thanks to Posh Spice. My sister, L, and I were thinking of joining the Spice Girls on tour. I would be Paprika Spice and she would be Old Spice. We have the moves and the voices, so it makes sense.

Well, Old Spice went out and got herself a new rocker chick haircut (a la Rod Stewart). As much as I hate to be a copycat, I am thinking of doing the same look in the front. My family is blessed with incredibly thick and bulky hair, so layers or much-thinning are required (and so is a Farouk…but that is another story).

As for last night’s American Idol, the only one I really like was Brooke White doing Pat Benatar (extra cool rock chick!).

I only accomplished about 500 words yesterday. I powered up the laptop at Panera at lunch (the turkey artichoke sammie is sooooo good!)…but that darn laptop drives me crazy. I probably wasted 15 min waiting for it to boot up and then shutdown. There is an issue.

My cute hubby (major rock star) is considering becoming certified in a bunch of different computer applications. Just for my sanity with our home computers, I certainly hope he does! And can figure these suckers out! Kill the Bug! Kill the Virus! Make it FAST!

BTW…my hubby is quite adorable and a killer guitar player (in case I haven’t mentioned that yet).

I need to run some errands at lunch so I don’t know if I will get to my lunch a la teen lit. I may need to get my writing done tonight. And I need to get rockin’ & rollin’ on that 5000 word goal for the week! We are planning on heading over to Disney on Saturday, so that day will be shot for writing.

Have a rockin’ day!

Faith Hope Love-

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