Friday, July 18, 2008

Freaky-ness in the Park

Today was quite the Freaky Friday! (Sorry, I couldn't help myself!) My theater group did Theater in the Park tonight. My daughters did scenes from their kids play, which debuted last weekend. And then my gorg-e-ou-so daughters (E-12 and J-8) and I did a scene from Freaky Friday. It was a lot of fun and I think everyone really loved it. It was also quite the family affair, because my talented hubby was the sound man who pimped us out with tons of sound equipment and made us sound wonderful (even the howling wind).

Having fun, fun, fun with the theater group! Up next, the library performance where I do a dramatic monologue from Wisdom of Eve. Kind of a challenge for me...because, well, it is dramatic. I am much more comfortable playing the goofy parts. :) but, it is all good and I am enjoying it mucho!

Alrighty, I certainly hope I change back into my own body by tomorrow morning...heehee!

Faith Hope Love-

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