Friday, June 13, 2008

Ballerina Girl

What was your dream profession when you were growing up? I wanted to be a ballerina…despite the fact that I never took a dance class and quite honestly probably had a zero chance of being any good as a ballerina. But, I used to dance around my room and dream. When I went off to college, my freshman year I took my one and only ballet class. Ummm….I wasn’t very good. I blame it on the fact that I was 18 and not 6. Although I did take jazz class the next year and really got into that. But, that was it. I am now a "not-so-thirty-something-anymore-really-short-legged-wannabe-dancer”.

And, yes, I think I can dance.

I love that show. Mia Michaels is an awesome choreographer. I love all her pieces and wish I could conform my body into those odd configurements. She has so much emotion in all of them.

I think I have enough passion and creativity that I could have been a choreographer. Well, that is if I were a trained dancer. Heehee…

But, ya know…Kat Deeley has zero dance experience. I could definitely be her. A very short version of her…and no accent.

Happy Friday the 13th!

Faith Hope Love-
LA ☺

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