Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Lunch A La Teen Lit

Thank goodness for lunch breaks. That is where I now do a lot of my writing. I can’t seem to do that “get up early” routine and write. If I set my alarm 15 min earlier, it just means I hit my snooze 1-2 more times. It seems that my nights are too chaotic at home with my family. Let’s see, after working all day (and being brought out of deep sleep 15 minutes earlier that morning), then dinner has to be made (after deciding what to make), homework needs to be monitored and checked, and then there are all of those great reality TV shows on that I can’t resist. So, after the girls’ are in bed, technically, I could write, but I am pretty much spent.

So, my new routine has been to bring the laptop with me to work. For lunch, I head to a cute little park on the Bay, eat a quick and pretty much tasteless lunch and then write for 40 minutes or so. At least I am able to get in 500-1000 words this way. So far today, my word tally is at 634 words.

Since I have this great desire and “taste” for writing now, you would think I would sacrifice a little to complete it. You would think. I hear that J.K. Rowling spent endless evenings in a local coffee shop to complete her novel(s).

But, I think I still feel like I want a life in the meantime. I have set-up a goal and a timeframe associated with it. So, in my mind (warped as it may be), I feel that I can accomplish it, even with my nasty TV addiction I have. Come on, American Idol is on tonight!

So, for now, lunch it is.

Faith Hope Love-


Anonymous said...

All I can is wow... that this is awesome. Great job!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi There...the anonymous comment is from me shondell. i hit the button to soon.