Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Place to Start...

As a reference to why I started this crazy blog is a good starting point. A few weeks back, a co-worker made the comment to me - "You are living in an Imaginary World!” I got so darned tickled by that comment. It really stuck with me. Although he was referring to his workload and deadlines, I could not help but to apply it to my entire life.

So, sit back for a few and let me educate you on my background (I know, I know…it sounds WAY exciting. Better grab a snack.).

Do you remember back to your big aspirations in high school? For some of you that may not have been as far away than it is for me (UGH), but I vividly remember wanting to be a Cruise Director on a cruise ship. Don’t laugh, but I wanted to be Julie McCoy from The Love Boat. Okay, you can laugh a little. Go ahead, I will wait. Anyway, I was a very perky little cheerleader type who loved to be in the middle of the excitement and to get everyone around me to join in. I thought it would have been a good calling. Then, they found out about Julie’s little um, sniff, sniff problem and the shows with Vickie after that were never as good.

Then I went to college. I majored in Advertising and envisioned myself being a high-rolling advertising executive (like in all the good movies in the 80’s…okay…so now you have probably estimated my age). My boyfriend at the time (now my adorable husband) was going to be the next big rock star and we were going to drive off into a beautiful sunset in southern California and live happily ever after.

Instead we moved to Florida and I entered my tenure as a Mouseketeer. Still always thinking I would be an excellent celebrity or at least Cruise Director of celebrities, I did get to meet a lot of exciting and influential people during that time. While I didn’t become the next Michael Eisner, I did quite enjoy my time there and the many, many adventures. That will be a post for another time.

Within this time period, my husband and I started our family. And let me just state for the record that my daughters are the absolute joys of my life. I will definitely post more about each of them.

And then, for a lack of better terms, let’s say I hit the dark period. We had moved back up to the Midwest. I wasn’t happy with my job or where we were living. I felt stifled. I wanted more. And it wasn’t a problem with my relationship with my family; it was where my “professional” life had led me. I think back to those carefree days when my Cruise Director mentality made me smile. Why had I never ‘made” it? Why did I feel like my career could have been so much more?

I know life is about the choices you make. If we would have moved to Los Angeles after college, I am sure our lives would have turned out much more different. If I hadn’t of moved back to the Midwest, I would never have met my now dearest friend. Choices you make.

Still, what could I do to make myself feel accomplished in my professional life?

During that “dark period”, I wrote a sitcom script. I started dabbling in writing, which is something I have always loved to do.

As of 3 ½ years ago, we moved to where I now call my HAPPY PLACE (another reference that will come around often). I am content in my environment and the beauty that surrounds me. Now, I just need to fulfill that Cruise Director fantasy.

Well, even in my Imaginary World, I know I will never be a Cruise Director, nor probably don’t ever want to be one anymore. I do know that I am a leader and a creative (and I like to think humorous) individual. So, I have identified my passion and set a goal to arrive at my goal within that passion.

I love to write. I like using my mind to create. And I love humor. Quirky silly things. I think a giggle a day is mandatory. So, my Imaginary World now consists of me becoming a full-time published writer. TAH-DAH! (Spread the Pixie Dust! Start the marching band!)

Over a year ago, I started my novel (chick lit…I AM ADDICTED!). Last May, I wrote my first children’s book (which I am starting the second installment…it is a series). And a month ago, I started my first Teen Lit (YA) with my 12-year-old daughter (also will be a series). She is also an awesome writer (did you notice how I just complimented myself there??).

Oh, and did I mention that I also have a full-time job? And my husband plays in a rock band and we are out most weekends way, way too late? (for people our age, that is)

My challenge: baby steps. Take one project at a time and complete it. My first goal is to finish the Teen Lit, find an agent and then get that puppy published.

Once I am able to become a full-time writer, I believe I will feel contented in my career. It isn’t a Cruise Director where love is around every corner, but it is my own Imaginary World.

Stay tuned!

Faith Hope Love-
LA ☺

1 comment:

Sister Lisa said...

Nice job little sis! Obviously, you get lots of your good traits from me. Do you keep a daily to do list to keep track of all those goals? I always knew locking you in those closets when you were little and whiney wasn't really going to hurt you, and see, it actually shaped (or warped) you. And that time I shaved your legs when you were 5 was just a big misunderstanding, really. So best of luck to you with your writing career. As Simon says, Off you go!